Not recommended for children under age 12!! ;)
Some scenes and topics might be upsetting to some.

Book 16

Chapter 34 - "Back from Atlantis"

Chapter 35 - "Doctor Hirshberg"

Chapter 36 - "Animal testing"

Chapter 37 - "Möongrad"

Chapter 38 - "Facing the monster"

Chapter 39 - "The One Law"

Chapter 40 - "Olga's world"

Chapter 41 - "Hidden in the shadows"


Back from the past, the Moirai are immediately going to make their move.

Fami is committed to follow them closely, and to reunite with Andora.


Book 17

Chapter 42 - "Love without borders"

Chapter 43 - "Hearts from Indonesia"

Chapter 44 - "Flirt or not flirt?"

Chapter 45 - "Alexia's fury"

Chapter 46 - "A dubious plan"

Chapter 47-1 - "Guardian of times past"

Chapter 47-2 - "Guardian of times past"

Chapter 48 - "Another life"


Reven and her sisters carry on their One Law in Möongrad under Fami's quiet supervision.

But the real trouble will come from where we least expect it…


Book 18

Chapter 49 - "Another dimension"

Chapter 50-1 - "Ghost party"

Chapter 50-2 - "Ghost party "

Chapter 51 - "Ashley"

Chapter 52 - "Battle in Dominicus"

Chapter 53 - "Your name will be... "

Chapter 54 - "Double revenge"

Chapter 55 - "Vigilantes in town"


Andora having her memory back, the situation seems to take a new start.

However, the Moirai keep watch over their protégé and the real war against the queen is about to break out.


Book 19

Chapter 56 - "The mole"

Chapter 57 - "Ramona"

Chapter 58 - "Bad omen"

Chapter 59 - "First step"

Chapter 60 - "Antimagic"

Chapter 61 - "Worthy daughter"

Chapter 62 - "Cerberus"

Chapter 63 - "In the depth"


After the revelation of Arion's leaving, life must go on out of necessity.

Fami must move forward and face humanity's darkest side.




Book 20

Chapter 64-1 - "Atlantis (part.1)"

Chapter 64-2 - "Atlantis (part.2)"

Chapter 64-3 - "Atlantis (part.3)"

Chapter 65 - "The Amazons"

Andora's Adventure 1

Chapter 66 - "The Beast Inside"

Andora's Adventure 2

Chapter 67 - "Lightning in the swamps"

Andora's Adventure 3

Chapter 68-1 - "Hell's lair (part.1) "

Chapter 68-2 - "Hell's lair (part.2) "

Andora's Adventure 4

Chapter 69 - "Wave of love"

Chapter 70 - "Final battle"


Reven, Ojias, Roxy and her brother, along with Arion and Andora are shoot off to the past in the Atlantis Kingdom.

Seeking to become witches, they will find a lot more than they think in this mythical world.





Book 21

Chapter 71 - "Lumen"

Chapter 72 - "American God"

Chapter 73 - "Nadora"

Chapter 74 - "Mitrie, Malina, Rei"

Chapter 75 - "The silence of the unicorns"

Chapter 76 - "Underground infiltration"

Chapter 77-1 - "The bombardier (part.1)"

Chapter 77-2 - "The bombardier (part.2)"





Book 22

Chapter 78 - "Face the truth"

Chapter 79 - "Mr Fire"

Chapter 80 - "Last hope"

Chapter 81 - "Back for victory"

Chapter 82 - "Light without love"

Chapter 83 - "Past lives"

Chapter 84 - "A new world"