Not recommended for children under age 12!! ;)
Some scenes and topics might be upsetting to some.
Tomorrow's world is finally coming! 6 years after the Great Reopening of the Sacred Door, humans and magic creatures are discovering each other more and more with the help of majinis. But this reunion will force the world to see further than it thought." |
Book 12
Tomorrow's world is finally coming! Fami and her friends are growing closer and closer to the moirai, the former apprentices of Dadia the Terrible. Without suspecting a single instant who they're really dealing with, and what is woven in the shadow of the future... |
Book 13
Tomorrow's world is finally coming! In order to help the moirai to free themselves of their hatred, Fami, Mitrie and Malina offer them some very special trials. Will it be enough, or will it worsen the situation? |
Book 14
Tomorrow's world is finally coming! While progressing to a new and encouraging future, residues of the past are becoming more and more apparent to the moirai and our firends. |
Book 15
Tomorrow's world is finally coming! Love and friendship are monopolizing more and more curiosity from the moirai. But it won't distract them from their main objective... |